April 11, 2022 2023-05-20 16:06Blog

The Journey Of Priscilla Dames
The Transformational Journey of Priscilla Dames: Empowering Lives through Principles and Purpose Renowned life coach and author Priscilla Dames shares her transformative principles and the areas in which she helps others find success LEARN MORE

Wisdom G.I.F.T.S. – Kim Cole
During the pandemic, one of my coaches introduced me to Kim Coles, the actress (best known for the sitcom, Living Single) and comedian. Kim invited me to be part of the anthology she was writing. The title is Wisdom G.I.F.T.S. I was one of twenty-two writers that selected one of the letters to write words of wisdom for the book. I selected I for Intentional Transformation. This was my introduction to what I had immersed myself in for the past three years. After learning what being intentional meant, I had worked hard on the three areas I desperately needed to transform to be able to move forward in my life. I had to jack myself up several times, do the research, hire professional coaches to guide me and then commit to transformation in health, business, and my personal life. Today, I received a box of the books, Wisdom G.I.F.T.S. My name is on the front cover with Kim’s and my picture and bio are on the back. Also, on the cover is a ribbon with the words, BEST SELLER. Another win. Thank you, GOD.

What Happened To My Dreams
The Wellness: What Happened to my Dreams? workshop went well. I decided to include Intentional Transformation as a sub-topic. Sharing my challenges and how I moved pass them and conquered each area during COVID won my audience over on another level. In general. I’ve learned that if you can share personal experiences with your audience especially showing that you’ve had the same struggles and mishaps as them, you become more endeared and human to them. By now, I have spoken on the topic of Intentional Transformation, but this is the first time I created and presented a workshop. Since the agenda didn’t allow me to approach the full meanings of intentionality and transformation. Too, because of time restraints, I wasn’t able to share “my story” and assist them as they created a personal action plan. I offered to meet them on Zoom to continue. The majority agreed.

Women’s International Day In Belize
The invitation by the Belize-American Chamber to be the keynote speaker for Women’s International Day in Belize was a true win! The day began with the District’s Mayor picking up the chamber’s delegation and taking us on his inaugural tour of his District, The Twin Towers. He had been preparing this tour for two years and proud to lead us on and off the tour bus to view his chosen sites. The intimate V.I.P. Reception had such dignitaries as the American U.S. Ambassador to Belize, Michelle Kwan and Mayor of Twin Towers Belize, Earl Trapp and several camera men from local stations and media, I read from, ‘I Hope You Dance’ and made everyone stand up and dance with me. As usual, when you provide adults with an opportunity to play move or create something, they don’t like to stop. We don’t have the chance to do any of these once we become adults. We’re too busy being grown up. It was fantastic. I loved it! The event proffered television coverage.

Learning To Be Intentional
Learning how to be intentional has made an impact on me. I have traveled throughout my life; however, I took a hiatus for several years. Traveling has become and still is an important part of me; growing and learning about other cultures has become one of the most profound learning tools that has moved me. I like to blame me not traveling for those years on others, money, time and so on… However, I realize now that if it is an important part of my life and what I want in my life I must make it happen. Those, all of them, were just excuses. Though I had retired from my ‘clock in job’ and there are always ladies who would love to accompany me, I came up with excuses. Now, for the past eight months, and immediately before COVID hit, I seemed to be making up for lost time. During the summer and fall of 2019 I began to change. During the latter part of 2019, I went to Belize then a month later, I went to South Africa which had been on my personal list for years. During the next few months, I traveled to Belize multiple times that led to my first international conference, the W.O.W. Summit in Belize. Though I had already begun my research on the goals I needed to attain, the summit became the springboard for my accomplishments throughout the next three years. I had initially thought the international goal would be the most difficult to achieve, however, it was the first. Now that we have carefully come out of the pandemic, I have been out of the country three times….and it is just March. I’m back!

Priscilla Dames – MIA
I have been MIA recently. Good things are happening, and they have kept me so busy. I’ve been contracted to facilitate a series of training courses. The first is Conflict Resolution: Managing Differences in the Workplace. I shared additional topics with the owner of the company who has contracted my services, she selected Wellness: What happened to my Dreams. She feels the leaders in her organization have become disgruntled and disappointed with the paths they have chosen. Too, with Covid and so many variables that are causing increased mental stress, she is seeking anything that may uplift their spirits. I also went to Greece this month.