The Journey Of Priscilla Dames
The Transformational Journey of Priscilla Dames: Empowering Lives through Principles and Purpose Renowned life coach and author Priscilla Dames shares her transformative principles and the areas in which she helps others find success LEARN MORE …
Wisdom G.I.F.T.S. – Kim Cole
During the pandemic, one of my coaches introduced me to Kim Coles, the actress (best known for the sitcom, Living Single) and comedian. Kim invited me to be part of the anthology she was writing. The title is Wisdom G.I.F.T.S. I was …
What Happened To My Dreams
The Wellness: What Happened to my Dreams? workshop went well. I decided to include Intentional Transformation as a sub-topic. Sharing my challenges and how I moved pass them and conquered each area during COVID won my audience over on another level. In …
Women’s International Day In Belize
The invitation by the Belize-American Chamber to be the keynote speaker for Women’s International Day in Belize was a true win! The day began with the District’s Mayor picking up the chamber’s delegation and taking us on his inaugural tour of his …
Learning To Be Intentional
Learning how to be intentional has made an impact on me. I have traveled throughout my life; however, I took a hiatus for several years. Traveling has become and still is an important part of me; growing and learning about other cultures …