Learning To Be Intentional
Learning how to be intentional has made an impact on me. I have traveled throughout my life; however, I took a hiatus for several years. Traveling has become and still is an important part of me; growing and learning about other cultures has become one of the most profound learning tools that has moved me. I like to blame me not traveling for those years on others, money, time and so on… However, I realize now that if it is an important part of my life and what I want in my life I must make it happen. Those, all of them, were just excuses. Though I had retired from my ‘clock in job’ and there are always ladies who would love to accompany me, I came up with excuses. Now, for the past eight months, and immediately before COVID hit, I seemed to be making up for lost time. During the summer and fall of 2019 I began to change. During the latter part of 2019, I went to Belize then a month later, I went to South Africa which had been on my personal list for years. During the next few months, I traveled to Belize multiple times that led to my first international conference, the W.O.W. Summit in Belize. Though I had already begun my research on the goals I needed to attain, the summit became the springboard for my accomplishments throughout the next three years. I had initially thought the international goal would be the most difficult to achieve, however, it was the first. Now that we have carefully come out of the pandemic, I have been out of the country three times….and it is just March. I’m back!
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