W.O.W. Summit 2024
November 15, 2023 2024-04-17 11:53W.O.W. Summit 2024

Wingspan Seminars guarantees four days filled with new experiences, confidence-building activities, mind-boosting presentations, and a new network of friends, all whilst you absorb the wonderful Belizean culture.

May 2nd - May 5th 2024
This W.O.W. Summit is the second annual. The 2024 theme is Intentional Transformation. Speaking engagements, trainings and Wingspan’s Founder’s book, Intentional Transformation, encourages the reader to pivot and transform their lives. It may be health, business or personal. We will be celebrating the attendees’ successes as we enjoy Belize.

The Ultimate Girls' Trip
April 22nd 2024
The 2024 summit attendees will have an opportunity to:
- Connect with other women.
- Go on exciting excursions. E.g., Altun Ha ruin, wine tasting, cave tubing, ziplining through the rainforest…
- Learn the steps to Intentional Transformation
- Create a community support group
- Celebrate Successes
- Celebrate birthdays.
- Learn how to do business in Belize
- Learn about buying real estate in Belize
- Help women in Belize who seek financial independence from their abusers.
- Relax by the pool, at the spa or do nothing at all!
For additional information call Diane of Superville Travel 786-228-8408
About The W.O.W. Summit
Wingspan Seminars sponsors and trains on topics relative to conflict resolution. W.O.W., Wings on Women has been a component of Wingspan for ten years. We’ve hosted events for women such as ‘Skydiving for Women’s Issues” where the diver had to select a women’s issue that he/she was diving to bring awareness to. In March 2020, Wingspan Seminars hosted its first annual W.O.W. Summit. Its theme was Domestic Violence as we learned that this was a focus of the Belizean government. Too, we met several women’s groups that were seeking financial independence from their abusers. Some attended the summit. A delegation from Florida attended and spoke to the audience as they were experts in the domestic violence field. Then COVID hit.
This W.O.W. Summit is the second annual. The 2024 theme is Intentional Transformation. Speaking engagements, trainings and Wingspan’s Founder’s book, Intentional Transformation, encourages the reader to pivot and transform their lives. It may be health, business or personal. We will be celebrating the attendees’ successes as we enjoy Belize. There will be two strands, business including ‘How to do Business in Belize’ and real estate presentations and a second for those that want to relax and just have ‘silly fun’. Excursions will be a City Tour that will include historical ruins, and a wine tasting Winner’s Circle. Optional excursions may be ziplining through the rainforest, tube caving or water activities.

May 2nd

4:00 Summit Registration
Pre-Summit Seminars:
5:00 Doing Business in Belize Dr. Leroy Almendarez
Land Acquisition in Belize Macarena Rose
Meet & Greet Welcome Reception
M.C.- Elaine Black
Welcome-Wingspan Seminars
Kim Aikman -Belize Chamber & Industry
May 3rd

Breakfast at the Radisson Hotel
Summit Registration
Opening Session
Priscilla Dames- Intentional Transformation
Anastasia Grande Pierre- Immerse & Rejuvenate!
Challenges/Transformations-Group work
Lunch at the hotel
Speaker- Dr. Liz Garcia-There’s A Renaissance Woman in You
Strand I: Silly Fun City Tour w/Altun Ha Ruin
Strand II: Business- By appointment
Rain Forest/Keller Williams Real Estate Tour
· Transformation Winner’s Circle
· Winetasting
May 4th

Breakfast at the Radisson
Small group work/Fellowship/Business appointments
On Your Own
· Cave-tubing
· Ziplining
· Shopping
· Spa
On your own
· Small group work/Fellowship/Business appointments
May 5th

Breakfast at the Radisson Hotel
9:00 Farwell Session
Recap: Intentional Transformation
Body Movement-Anastasia Grand Pierre
Wingspan Seminars guarantees four days filled with new experiences, confidence-building activities, mind-boosting presentations, and a new network of friends, all whilst you absorb the wonderful Belizean culture.
- 4 days, 3 nights at the Radisson Fort George Hotel & Marina
- All conference materials included
- Free use of business center, fitness center and WiFI
- Breakfast each day (a box meal may be ordered)
- Summit with materials
- Welcome Reception
- Speakers
- City Tour
- Celebrate You! Party!
- Wine tasting
- Airport transfers
- Transportation to agenda items, city tour and winetasting
- Strand I- Business & real estate opportunities
- Strand II- ‘Silly Fun’

Experience * Learn * Grow

Have Questions?
Our Sponsors
For sponsorship opportunities email or call :
Metris Bates at [email protected] or 305-521-7776.
In Belize-Mason Halliday at [email protected] or 011-501-610-8449