Wisdom G.I.F.T.S. – Kim Cole
During the pandemic, one of my coaches introduced me to Kim Coles, the actress (best known for the sitcom, Living Single) and comedian. Kim invited me to be part of the anthology she was writing. The title is Wisdom G.I.F.T.S. I was one of twenty-two writers that selected one of the letters to write words of wisdom for the book. I selected I for Intentional Transformation. This was my introduction to what I had immersed myself in for the past three years. After learning what being intentional meant, I had worked hard on the three areas I desperately needed to transform to be able to move forward in my life. I had to jack myself up several times, do the research, hire professional coaches to guide me and then commit to transformation in health, business, and my personal life. Today, I received a box of the books, Wisdom G.I.F.T.S. My name is on the front cover with Kim’s and my picture and bio are on the back. Also, on the cover is a ribbon with the words, BEST SELLER. Another win. Thank you, GOD.
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